Quick Realities and Everything You Need to Know About Quezon City, Metro Manila The city of Quezon City is an independent area located in the National Capital REgion and gets a significant amount of visitors yearly for their regional events and historic landmarks. Because of that, we have in fact assembled a few pleasurable truths about the city of Quezon City you should understand! History & Etymology Named after Manuel L. Quezon, the 2nd President of the Philippines, Quezon City has a plentiful origin history from being developed in 1939 From the festivals and celebrations that the city holds on a regular basis to the terrific local dining facilities and bars both the residents and travelers enjoy, Quezon City is house to a varied population and complex culture and history. Population Statistics and Numbers on Geography With an acreage of 161.11 km 2 , Quezon City holds a grand population of 2,960,048. The city of Quezon City is made up of a highly diverse mix of people, origina...